• Featured

    Black HerStory: Where Motherhood Meets Skincare

    Our bodies change in so many ways when we are pregnant. While we may not be as focused on our skin and hair, how we look during pregnancy can truly impact how we feel. Meet Dr. Jennifer Davis Alexander, the second African American ever to earn her doctorate in Cosmetic Science. We sat down with…

    Read more: Black HerStory: Where Motherhood Meets Skincare
    Black HerStory: Where Motherhood Meets Skincare


  • Celebrate the Changes You’re Experiencing; They’re Part of Your Pregnancy Journey

    When I found out one of my closest friends was also pregnant at the same time, my imagination went wild with images of prenatal yoga followed by (decaf) iced coffee dates and side-by-side stroller speed walks. Together, we would take on nursing, sleep training, and homemade baby food and complain about lack of sleep and…


  • Giving Birth with Confidence: Advice from Black mothers on the importance of self-advocacy during pregnancy.

    The U.S. has a problem with pregnancy-related death, especially for women of color. Given the number of advancements made across nearly every aspect of health care in the last quarter-century, women in the U.S. are still more likely to suffer a pregnancy-related death today than they were 20 years ago. A report from the CDC…


  • Forget the Cookie Cutter Registries, Here’s What You’ll Really Need Those First 6 Months to a Year.

    Creating a registry is a lot of pressure. How are we supposed to know what and how much we need when we haven’t done this before? As a mom of three, I can assure you that so many of the things we are told we need, we don’t. Sometimes those things even make life more…


  • Black Pregnancy: Finding Joy Over Fear

    Finding joy in pregnancy can feel a little like finding a needle in a haystack.  Pregnancy has so many fear inducing moments, it can be downright overwhelming. But it is possible to find joyful moments during this miraculous 10 month journey. We as Black women have the honor of continuing the circle of life. We…


  • Don’t leave the hospital without!

    Walking out of the hospital after my first child was born was a scary moment. I think I actually said out loud: “they’re letting us leave with him?! I’m not ready.”  We said goodbye with my son, a new car seat, and a ton of nerves…but that’s about it. Leaving the hospital after my third…


  • All About Labor Induction

    What is labor induction? The final weeks of pregnancy can feel like they will never end. Your belly is large.  Sleeping is tough. You have to pee every 15 minutes. And your baby’s adorable kicks now feel like karate chops to your ribcage! Once you get close to your due date, or breeze past it,…


  • Healthy Craving Alternatives!

    Craving pickles and ice cream? Peanut butter on pizza? Neither was I.  Hollywood is good for sharing images of pregnancy cravings that aren’t so realistic, but the truth is that many expectant moms don’t want any of these crazy combinations. We work so hard, in mind and body, to get ourselves ready for pregnancy, childbirth,…


  • Let’s talk about prenatal vaccinations

    Vaccine feelings vs. facts Probably one of the quickest ways to start an argument in a room full of parents is to mention the word vaccine. There are strong opinions about immunization, and when you’re talking about pregnancy, they can get even more intense. At Mae, we believe in making medical decisions based on scientific…